2024년 5월 23일 (목) | ||
09:50–10:00 |
회장: 권영세 (인하의대) |
10:00–12:00 |
Presidential symposium: Current treatment and new insights in epilepsy
좌장: 권영세 (인하의대), 남상욱 (부산의대) |
10:00–10:30 | Beyond seizure: screening and management of cognitive problems in children with epilepsy | 최선아 (이화의대) |
10:30–11:00 | Psychiatric and behavioral adverse events of antiseizure medications in children with epilepsy | 김존수 (충북의대) |
11:00–11:30 | Antiseizure medication withdrawal for self-limited epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and childhood absence epilepsy | 권혜은 (가톨릭관동의대) |
11:30–12:00 | New insights on epileptogenesis and therapeutic discovery from epilepsy models | 강준원 (충남의대) |
12:00–13:20 |
Lunch and special lectures
좌장: 권순학 (경북의대) |
12:00–12:40 | Strategies for increasing the impact of a journal: insights from the Journal of Clinical Neurology | 김병조 (고려의대) |
12:40–13:10 | How to write a medical paper? | 강훈철 (연세의대) |
13:20–15:20 |
Symposium 1: Infections and autoimmune disorders of nervous system
좌장: 김성구 (한림의대), 최지은 (서울의대) |
13:20–13:50 | Central nervous system infections in children | 김세희 (연세의대) |
13:50–14:20 | Diagnostic challenges and management of autoimmune encephalitis in children | 이보련 (인제의대) |
14:20–14:50 | Recent clinical and biological advances in autoimmune encephalitis | 김민지 (울산의대) |
14:50–15:20 | Central nervous system lupus | 심영규 (고려의대) |
15:20–15:40 | Coffee break | |
15:40–17:40 |
Symposium 2: New attempts and trends in pediatric neurology
좌장: 강훈철 (연세의대), 채종희 (서울의대) |
15:40–16:10 | Beginning of the era of generative AI and its application in pediatric neurology | 양동화 (고려의대) |
16:10–16:40 | Gentle introduction to brain connectivity analysis: from Fourier to dynamic causal modeling | 김승수 (순천향의대) |
16:40–17:10 | New biomarkers for pediatric migraine: focusing on calcitonin gene-related peptide | 나지훈 (연세의대) |
17:10–17:40 | Antisense oligonucleotide therapy for neurodevelopmental disorders | 김효정 (가천의대) |
17:40– | General assembly & dinner |
2024년 5월 24일 (금) | ||
08:30–11:00 |
Symposium 3: Practical guide in various clinical situations
좌장: 이란 (건국의대), 이영목 (연세의대) |
08:30–09:00 | Approach to ataxia and spastic paraplegia in pediatric neurology | 김수연 (서울의대) |
09:00–09:30 | Approach to dizziness and vertigo in pediatric neurology | 염정숙 (경상의대) |
09:30–10:00 | Management of intracranial pressure | 이선경 (차의대) |
10:00–10:30 | Neurologic manifestations as initial symptom of thyroid disease in children | 이정호 (순천향의대) |
10:30–11:00 | Sedation in children: focusing on disabled children | 한지윤 (가톨릭의대) |
11:00– | Closing remark |
12:00–13:00 |
Special symposium: Beyond dyskinetic cerebral palsy – Understanding AADC deficiency
좌장: 최지은 (서울의대) |
12:00–12:20 | AADC deficiency overview | Heiko Brennenstul (University Hospital Heidelberg) |
12:20–12:40 | Differential diagnosis and a case series | 이지원 (성균관의대) |
12:40–13:00 | The road to diagnosis: a case study from France | Agathe Roubertie (University Hospital Gui de Chauliac) |
13:00–13:10 | Coffee break | |
13:10–13:20 |
회장: 채종희 (서울의대) |
13:20–14:50 |
Session I: Pediatric neurology – from fundamentals to clinical practice
좌장: 권영세 (인하의대), 채종희 (서울의대) |
13:20–13:50 | Genetic diagnosis in developmental delay | 채종희 (서울의대) |
13:50–14:20 | Epilepsy diagnosis in children/adolescents | 강훈철 (연세의대) |
14:20–14:50 | Diagnosis of pediatric encephalopathy/encephalitis | 이지훈 (성균관의대) |
14:50–15:10 | Coffee break | |
15:10–17:10 |
Session II: Pediatric PSG scoring mini-workshop
좌장: 채규영 (차의대), 김선준 (전북의대) |
15:10–15:40 | Sleep staging rules for children | 김우중 (서울의대) |
15:40–16:10 | Respiratory rules for children | 이선경 (차의대) |
16:10–16:40 | Arousal rules and movement rules for children | 우혜원 (충북의대) |
16:40–17:10 | PSG report parameters and MSLT protocols | 한태환 (연세의대) |
주제: Principles and Practice of Pediatric Epilepsy | ||
09:10–10:00 | Epileptogenesis, MOA of ASM | 김세희 (연세의대) |
10:00–10:50 | Electroclinical syndrome, neo & infantile onset | 김우중 (서울의대) |
10:50–11:40 | Electroclinical syndrome, childhood & adolescent onset | 이지원 (성균관의대) |
12:30–13:20 | Epileptic encephalopathy, DEE & genetic study | 김영옥 (전남의대) |
13:20–14:10 | Neonatal seizures and treatment | 김존수 (충남의대) |
14:10–15:00 | Neonatal EEG | 변정혜 (고려의대) |
주제: Advanced and collaborative approaches to neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) | ||
14:00–14:10 |
Opening remark
지회장: 이인규 (두정이진소아과) |
14:10–16:00 |
Session 1
좌장: 이인구 (건양의대) |
14:10–14:40 | Early diagnosis of ASD: early signs and biomarker prediction | 김존수 (충북의대) |
14:40–15:10 | Screening tools of ASD: sharing experience in CBNUH | 이선종 (충북대병원 임상심리사) |
15:10–15:40 | ASD and epilepsy: shared etiology and treatment approaches | 강준원 (충남의대) |
15:40–16:00 | Coffee break | |
16:00–17:30 |
Session 2
좌장: 유지숙 (단국의대) |
16:00–16:40 | ADHD: diagnostic and therapeutic challenge | 이수민 (세종이안마음클리닉) |
16:40–17:20 | Sleep and circadian disturbances in children with NDDs | 김승수 (순천향의대) |
17:30–18:00 | Closing remark |
Clinical use of perampanel in pediatric epilepsy | 장한나 (순천향의대) |
Anti-NMDAR encephalitis | 정승연 (충남의대) |
Infantile spasms with pathogenic variants | 구청모 (단국의대) |
Pathophysiology of infection-associated encephalopathies | 이경연 (울산의대) |
mTOR signaling pathway in neurological disease | 연규민 (고신의대) |
Long-term clinical course of Korean patient diagnosed with developmental and epileptic encephalopathy 91 (DEE91) caused by mutation of PPP3CA gene | 이준화 (성균관의대) |
Comprehensive approach to children with cerebral palsy | 김경민 (부산성모병원) |
New treatment paradigm of SMA: Oral medication & systemic exposure effect | 한국 로슈 |
Case presentation | 이준화 (성균관의대) |
08:40–08:50 |
대한소아발달행동연구회 회장: 은백린 (고려의대) |
08:50–09:00 |
대한소아신경학회 회장: 채종희 (서울의대) |
09:00–12:00 |
Session 1: 가장 흔한 언어 발달지연, 시작은 같아도 종착점은 다르다!
좌장: 은백린 (고려의대) |
09:00–09:40 | Developmental language disorders | 서지현 (이화의대 소아재활의학과) |
09:40–10:20 | Intellectual disability | 양동화 (고려의대) |
10:20–11:00 | Autism spectrum disorder | 서민경 (백석대 특수교육학과) |
11:00–11:40 | Dyslexia | 배소영 (한림대 언어청각학부) |
11:40–12:00 | 질의응답 | |
12:00–12:10 | 휴식 | |
12:10–12:55 |
Session 2: 뇌전증과 발달지연
좌장: 김영훈 (가톨릭의대) |
12:10–12:40 | Selecting optimal anti-seizure medications for children with epilepsy and developmental delay | 최선아 (이화의대) |
12:40–12:55 | 질의응답 | |
12:55–13:00 |
대한소아발달행동연구회 학술위원장: 최선아 (이화의대) |
주제: Socio-emotional development and related problems | ||
13:30–14:00 | Social and emotional development | 송주영 (차의대) |
14:00–14:30 | Anxiety and mood disorder | 한지윤 (가톨릭의대) |
14:30–14:45 | Q&A | |
14:45–15:15 | Reactive attachment disorder | 손혜준 (한림의대) |
15:15–15:45 | Shared reading and risk of social-emotional problems (Pediatrics 2022) | 김혜진 (서울의대) |
15:45–16:00 | Q&A | |
16:00–16:50 | Special lecture: Parents-child interaction therapy (PCIT) | 서민경 (백석대 유아특수교육학과) |
16:50–17:00 | Q&A, 맺음말 | 은백린 (고려의대) |
주제: 시각 또는 청각 장애가 있는 아이들의 발달과 발달 중재 치료 | ||
13:30–14:00 | Development and disorders of feeding, sleep, and elimination | 예혜련 (서울의료원) |
14:00–14:30 | Sensory impairments: hearing and vision | 한지연 (인하의대) |
14:30–14:45 | Discussion | |
14:45–15:15 | Cortical visual impairment – 증례와 개요 | 양동화 (고려의대) |
15:15–15:45 | Cortical visual impairment – 진단과 치료 | 조재소 (서울의대) |
15:45–16:00 | Discussion | |
16:00–16:50 | Invited lecture: 청지각 발달에 따른 언어 발달 촉진 | 김은연 (명지대 언어치료학과) |
16:50–17:00 | Q&A, 맺음말 | 은백린 (고려의대) |
주제: Understanding motor development and learning disabilities | ||
13:30–14:00 | Motor development and disorders | 남윤성 (울산의대) |
14:00–14:30 | Learning disabilities | 장한나 (순천향의대) |
14:30–14:45 | Q&A | |
14:45–15:45 | Invited lecture: Dyslexia | 정재석 (서울아이정신과) |
15:45–16:00 | Q&A | |
16:00–16:50 | Invited lecture: Motor impairments in children | 서지현 (이화의대 소아재활의학과) |
16:50–17:00 | Q&A, 맺음말 | 은백린 (고려의대) |
19:00–19:30 | Teaching session 1: Headache in children and adolescents | 김존수 (충북의대) |
19:30–20:00 | Teaching session 2: Spontaneous intracranial hypotension | 구청모 (단국의대) |
20:00–20:20 | Headache in children and adolescents – A case-based approach | 윤송이 (경희의대) |
19:00–19:30 |
Teaching session 1 Chapter 2. Why does my head hurt?: Epidemiology Chapter 3. Pathophysiology of migraine Chapter 6. Effects of hormone |
장한나 (순천향의대) |
19:30–20:00 |
Teaching session 2 Chapter 4. Genetics of migraine Chapter 7. Chronic migraine and other types of primary chronic daily headache |
연규민 (고신의대) |
20:00–20:20 | Headache in children and adolescents – A case-based approach | 권혜은 (가톨릭관동의대) |
18:30–19:10 | Associations of the residential built environment with adolescent sleep outcomes | 심영규 (고려의대) |
19:10–19:50 | Ch.8 Medical disorders (Sleep Problems in Adolescents) | 김지민 (서울의대) / 변성환 (분당제생병원) |
19:50–20:00 | Q&A |
18:30–19:10 | Non-REM disorders of arousal and related parasomnias: an updated review | 조재소 (서울의대) |
19:10–19:50 | Ch.9 Brain tumors (Sleep Problems in Adolescents) | 김영호 (서울의대) / 이선경 (차의대) |
19:50–20:00 | Q&A |
18:30–19:10 | Sleep problem in children & adolescents: a psychiatric perspective | 소민아 (국립정신건강센터) |
19:10–19:50 | Ch.10 Insomnia (Sleep Problems in Adolescents) | 강유민 (연세의대) |
19:50–20:00 | Q&A |
18:30–19:10 | Allergic rhinitis as a predictor of moderate-to-severe pediatric obstructive sleep apnea | 정혜인 (한림의대) |
19:10–19:50 | Ch.11 Epilepsy and sleep in adolescents (Sleep Problems in Adolescents) | 이경민 (연세의대) / 김은희 (충남의대) |
19:50–20:00 | Q&A |
18:30–19:10 | Childhood maltreatment and sleep in children and adolescents: a systematic review and meta-analysis | 구청모 (단국의대) |
19:10–19:50 | Ch.12 Traumatic brain injury (Sleep Problems in Adolescents) | 권오철 (울산의대) / 김승수 (순천향의대) |
19:50–20:00 | Q&A |